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Introducing the all new 

ESCByFieldEdge Mobile App!

Fully redesigned to bring more speed and stability to your fingertips. Experience a more intuitive user interface, streamlined workflows and performance enhancements. Technicians and mobile managers will now only need to utilize a single mobile app, eliminating the need to toggle between two separate applications.

Before downloading the new mobile app, ensure your ESC desktop version is running 15.01 or later by going to Help and clicking About. If your desktop version is not up-to-date, reach out to our support team via email at for assistance prior to downloading the new mobile app.

To Get Started:

  • Upon completing and sending the first invoice on the new mobile app, users will need to create a new default email template. Office users or managers copy/paste current templates into an email and distribute to techs to keep it standardized across all users. Techs can also copy their current templates into a note app or email draft, then paste into the new app once installed.
  • On your mobile device, uninstall the current ESC version of your mobile app.
  • Visit the App Store (Apple) or Google Play Store (Android) and search for ESCByFieldEdge to locate the new mobile app and install it.
  • Once each user has the new mobile app downloaded, login with your username, password, and Server ID.
  • Upon completing and sending the first invoice on the new mobile app, each user will need to setup a default email template. Simply enter a subject line and text into the body of the email and save.