Newest Technologies in the HVAC Industry

Newest Technologies in the HVAC Industry

New technologies are developing all the time. In the HVAC industry where high-quality work is necessary, newer technologies are paving the way for technicians to provide quicker, better or even unique offerings.

Energy savings and lowering costs are two trends that are becoming increasingly valuable for HVAC companies. Some companies also want to be more innovative and diverse with their offerings. To meet these needs, companies are adopting these new technologies that can help them be more efficient, environmentally-friendly and cost-effective.

Keeping up with these emerging technologies can be informative for HVAC companies. When you understand industry trends, you can prepare for the future and expand product/service offerings to customers. Here are some examples of the latest HVAC technologies that are making waves in the industry:



The Rise of IoT

Internet of Things (IoT) has taken the general technology industry by storm. Everyone is talking about IoT and how it can be used. IoT has already been incorporated into many different industries, including the HVAC industry. Automation is becoming more relevant in the HVAC industry, creating more convenience not only for HVAC companies, but also homeowners.

Smart HVAC

Many HVAC systems are now using sensors and applications for “smarter” capabilities. Lighting, ventilation, air conditioning and heat can all be controlled remotely through mobile applications. With the convenience of a touch, users can turn on/off, adjust settings and monitor their HVAC units.

There’s no indication that IoT is going to slow down any time soon. Everyone should expect an increase in IoT usage moving forward.


HVAC Zoning

Targeted Heating and Cooling

HVAC zoning is when air from heating or cooling units is regulated and redirected to “zones”, of a home/space. Zoning allows you to target certain areas of the home/space with a customized temperature setting. Each zone can be adjusted based on personal temperature preferences. When a zone isn’t in use, you can set it so that air is not directed to that zone. By directing where and when the air should be turned on, you can increase energy savings in the long run.


Ice-Powered ACs

New Way to Cool Down

A company called Ice Energy has made a working prototype of an ice-powered AC and released it to select markets. Ice-powered AC is pretty much self-explanatory; it’s an AC unit that is powered by ice. To work, the unit freezes water overnight so that it can be used during the daytime. It runs for approximately 6 hours during the daytime until the ice melts. Once the ice melts, the traditional AC unit will kick in during lull time until the freezing process starts up again.


3-D Printing

3-D Printing HVAC Parts

One of the cooler technologies coming up in the HVAC industry is 3-D printed components and parts. 3-D printing can be used to create prototypes and parts that can be used for the actual HVAC units. These printers have been developed to the point where they are equipped to print metal, plastic and/or polymer parts.

Faster Parts Production

The main benefit highlighted about 3-D printing is that companies can create custom pieces within a few hours. Rather than waiting for the manufacturers to make and ship the parts, the parts can be made in-house to speed along the production process. In return, the company has more control over the design aspect and creating parts that work best with their HVAC units.


Electronic Air Cleaners

Clean, Filtered Air

Everyone wants to have clean air. Electronic air cleaners work by filtering out contaminants as the air passes through a heating/cooling system. The electrically charged filters in the air cleaners trap all contaminants so they cannot circulate the air. Electronic air cleaners are convenient because the filter does not need to be replaced. The filters are washable and reusable, making it easier and cheaper to maintain overall.



HVAC technology is changing all the time and constantly popping up, so our list is definitely not exhaustive. It’s always a good idea to keep up with the latest news and find out which direction the industry is moving. With these emerging trends likely to become more and more prominent in the future, be sure to stay on top of the newest technologies that are introduced. It could serve very beneficial when you start thinking about how to diversify your business in the future![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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