Ways to Lower Your Energy Bills

During the colder seasons, it’s much easier to save money. However, that’s not the case as it starts to warm up. Especially with the ongoing pandemic, you’ll want to be able to stay cool without emptying your wallet to pay your energy bills. Here are some key steps that you can take to save you a little extra money this summer.

Replace old air conditioning units 

In many cases, it might be time for you to invest in a new unit. If you have an older unit that isn’t properly maintained, you can run the risk of performance issues, which will cost more money to fix in the long run.

Change your air filters

Air filters should be replaced every month to ensure that your unit is performing efficiently. A clogged air filter can result in poor airflow, and can even cause health concerns.

Use a programmable thermostat 

A programmable thermostat is an excellent energy-efficient tool. It allows you to adjust the temperature of your home according to the hours you set. Therefore, when your home is vacant or when everyone is asleep, you can set it to a specific temperature. The most popular option is the Google Nest Learning Thermostat, which retails for $250. According to its site, it’s the first thermostat to be ENERGY STAR certified and can save you an average of 10% to 12% on heating bills and 15% on cooling bills.

Utilize your blinds and drapes 

Blinds and window coverings aren’t just used for decoration — they can also conserve energy and save money. Depending on which window treatment you buy, you can prevent your home from heating up. When you pull them down or close them over your window, you can effectively reduce heat gain by 45%.

Conserve energy with your washing machine 

Your washer and dryer use up a lot of energy. With full loads, you get a lot more for your money, and you won’t need to use them as often. Also, limit using warm or hot cycles, and instead use cold cycles. Using the water heater can cause your power bill to rise. In addition, try to use the dry cycle less often. If possible, let your clothes air dry. 

This also applies to your dishwasher, as well as showers. Try to limit running hot water for too long, and skip the “dry” cycles on your dishwasher — hand dry your dishes or let them air dry. 


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