Increasing Efficiency in Your HVAC, Electrical, or Plumbing Business

The HVAC, plumbing, and electrical trade industries are crazy, busy, bonkers, stressful, but oh so rewarding. We speak with contractors from around the country which helps provide us with a better understanding of how things operate. One issue that is consistent is the lack of efficiency.

Where It Starts

It all starts with a phone call. Too often we find contractors who receive a call, write it down on a sticky note, write down the appointment on a calendar or move the note to the calendar, call a technician to tell them where to go, and that they’ll receive a text with the details and address.

This process is stressful, long, and includes too many unnecessary steps. Just like the human body, it’s in our nature to want to get things done quickly and efficiently. We see time and time again that many contractors either aren’t aware that this system exists, or, that they’re just stuck in their ways.

Just because the business has been around for 50 years doesn’t mean it needs to run the same way. Just like technology changes, your service business needs to change too.

Thankfully, we’ve simplified this process. When a call comes in, the person answering the phone can easily enter in the customer’s information, it’s automatically added to their calendar, it’s dispatched to a technician, and everyone else can see that job is now scheduled. This all happens in a matter of seconds compared to the convoluted process that was mentioned before.

While we hope you choose one of our FieldEdge products to increase your efficiency, our main goal is to ensure that you are spending your time as efficiently as possible while running your most viable company. When contractors succeed, we succeed.

Start Increasing Your Efficiency Today

Schedule a time with a FieldEdge representative today to see which product is best for you. It’s never too late to start streamlining your efficiency!

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