Is Your Electrical Invoice Software Slowing Staff Down?

The last tool you want to fail while on the job is your electrical invoice software app. Because it’s connected to your entire staff and accounting solution, any slowdown can hit you where it hurts: the wallet.

Is the invoicing app you are currently using slow, glitchy, or doesn’t have what you need to effectively do your job in an efficient manner? Are you still creating and mailing manual invoices?

When your business is using next-level electrical invoice software, you have efficient and happy employees and even better: happy customers. Your electrical software should check all the boxes: 

  • Reduce the number of unpaid invoices
  • Collect payments faster
  • Identify your largest revenue drivers
  • Offer a real-time QuickBooks Integration
  • Improve customer management: past work orders, invoices, agreements, equipment

If you are missing one or more of these, it may be time to start shopping around. Here is why these features are so important to your business.

Invoicing Made Quick & Easy

In today’s world of instant gratification, business is moving at the speed of light. When customers call, they want their problem fixed… yesterday! 

Many electricians are tech savvy and live on their smartphone or tablet to do business, and your customers likely are no different. So you’ll want invoices to be accessible electronically and on the go.  

If you have ever mailed a paper invoice, you know that they can take forever to arrive… and you’ll wait even longer to get paid.

The best cloud-based invoicing software allows your business to send an invoice via email or customer portal as soon as a job is completed – no more stamps or days of lag time. 

The software tracks each invoice so you knowwho has paid or who still needs to pay. Because they are stored on the app you can also look back at past invoices.

No more lost paper invoices and forgetting who paid what. With a powerful invoicing app, you can instantly check the status from anywhere. 

Collect Payments On the Job 

Want to collect payments even faster? You can forego email invoicing and use an electrician software that has a mobile payment feature.

If the customer can pay via their phone or computer as soon as they receive the invoice, you’re much more likely to get paid quickly. And customers like paying right away and avoiding the hassle of paying later.

How does a payment feature work in the field?

When you accept payments in the field, it speeds up the whole admin process. 

How does it work? If your electrical software can accept payments, just put together a quote as you would normally do on the app. Then connect a mobile card reader and your customer can swipe their credit card to pay.

Bam! Once the payment is processed it will flow back to your software and into QuickBooks if enabled. You’ll be reconciling your money faster and not having to worry about collecting payments later!


QuickBooks Integration 

More than 29 million small businesses use QuickBooks for their accounting software – it has an 80% market share! So it’s important that your electrical invoice software plays well with QuickBooks. QuickBooks integration is a must have for electrical businesses. 

If your business has field management software that offers a real-time QuickBooks sync, you’ll:.

  • Spend less time on time-wasting manual database entry 
  • Share data instantly with QuickBooks instant sync (many integrations like delayed-sync and batch-sync are much slower)
  • Ensure your inventory is accurately counted and priced in real time.

Learn more about QuickBooks instant sync here.

Customer Management

Customer service is a big part of electrical services. You need the tools that give you a full rundown of each customer, especially when you are on the job.

A good invoicing app can show you past work order history, pending/overdue invoices, agreements, equipment and more. 

In the past, many electricians or office staff members would spend time digging through a file cabinet or desktop folder to find notes on a customer. Now, you won’t waste time looking up old notes – it’s all right in front of you on your phone or tablet!

Not only will an invoicing app save time, but you will always be fully prepared with information on your customer’s history and preferences. From referencing a gate code to seeing if they tend to prefer good, better or best options, you’ll have everything you need in one place.

Ultimately, this will build trust and customer satisfaction! And the more happy customers you have, the easier it will be to build a positive, long-term reputation for your business. 

FieldEdge is your Ticket to Efficiency

With FieldEdge electrical invoice software, invoices instantly flow directly from the field to the office. And your electricians can use our integrated payments solution to quickly collect payments every time a job is completed. 

Collect revenue faster and reduce the number of unpaid invoices. This software can also identify your largest revenue drivers to grow your business

Want to see how our features help you save time and make more? Book your FREE personalized demo today!

Book a FieldEdge Demo!

Speed Up Your Invoicing with Software Today!

Now that you know what to look for in electrical invoice software, you’ll be better prepared to choose the software that works best for your business. When shopping for electrical software, remember to ask – how will this save time while helping me recognize revenue faster?

Be sure to look for these key benefits of invoicing software:

  • Reducing lost and unpaid invoices
  • Allowing you to collect payment instantly
  • Identifying your largest revenue drivers
  • Integrating with QuickBooks 
  • Strengthening the customer connection.

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